Natural Herbal Remedies for Prickly Heat

Hot summer weather and beach holidays are adored by various but for around 10% of the population they can mean days of itchy misery thanks to a common condition called Prickly Heat. This tends to affect people year after year but could something as simple as switching to a non-waterproof, chemical-free sunscreen reduce the irritating effects of prickly heat? For recovery of this infection there are many Herbal Remedies for Prickly Heat are available which work properly and has no side effects.
Red bumps can persist 4 to 5 days or some months depending how severe the attack is. The most common Causes of Prickly Heat problem attacks are junk food, smoking, stressful and unhealthy life style, alcohol, food poisoning and acidity, cancer, or the side effects of some medicines. Severe inflammation, red bulges on back, chest and around waists and sharp itching are the major symptoms of this problem.
The first Symptom of Prickly Heat to come out when you have prickly heat is a small red rash that generally causes itchiness. The rash may appear in some places simultaneously. The first signs of the rash often show up on the neck, face, under breasts in women or beneath the scrotum in men. It as well often appears where clothing rubs against the skin.
Prickly Heat Natural Herbal Treatment:
The best treatment is to find ways to keep the skin cool and to stay away from heat exposure. Here are a few simple steps that you can take to reduce the symptoms. In order to get rid of this disgusting skin-disorder, regular use of natural and Prickly Heat Herbal Treatment will be very helpful. They generally do not have any side-effects and cures prickly heat effectively. Let’s take a look at the following Herbal Remedies for Prickly Heat.
Avoid the sun as much as possible.
Drinking plenty of liquids during the hot periods of the year is extremely helpful to avoid pricy heat.
Grind some jambul seeds and add some water until you prepare a paste. This paste can be applied all over the body.
Prickly heat needs to be cured internally too. That is why i advise you to drink lime juice at least three glasses per day.
Shower regularly with cold water and after thoroughly drying yourself; dust some mentholated talcum powder onto the rash.
Try to stay in an air-conditioned room for a few hours each day as this will greatly relieve the discomfort.
Take some green henna ground and pour some water over. Apply this remedy over the itching areas.
Mix a teaspoon baking soda with a cup of water. Wet a compress in this mixture and apply it on the affected areas. Repeat this treatment few times a day to get relief from prickly heat. Keep the compress about ten minutes.
Add some cornstarch, oatmeal or baking powder in cold water in a bathtub and immerse yourself in the water while taking your bath.
Prickly heat needs to be cured internally also. That is why I advise you to drink lime juice at least three glasses per day.
Best Treatment for Prickly Heat:
There are a Best Treatment for Prickly Heat this and I will list them below.
- Keep your baby dressed in the least amount of clothes that you can in warm weather.
- Always try to keep the skin on your baby at a cooler temperature and make sure that it is dry.
- Don’t make your baby sleep in an area that is too hot, try to keep the environment cool.
- You can put hydrocortisone cream on the rash to help clear it up.
- During the hot and humid weather it is recommended to keep your skin dry and to avoid harsh soaps.
- Take plenty of water to preserve your body temperature.
- Always utilize loose cotton clothing, avoid polyester garments.
- Take a cool bath or shower as needed.
Get more information about Herbal Remedies for Prickly Heat at Natural Herbs Clinic.